NewSouth NeuroSpine | Relieving MRI Anxiety with Dr. Moriarity ;

Relieving MRI Anxiety with Dr. Moriarity

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Neurosurgeon Dr. Jack Moriarity breaks down the what, how, and when to worry of MRIs.

If you’re not part of the medical community, the word MRI (and even if you are in some cases!) can be quite a mystery, and a quick search on google doesn’t necessarily breed confidence and give assurance when thinking about your upcoming MRI. With over 40 million MRI scans performed in the United States each year, that turns into a lot of anxious patients before, during, and after their scan. So, what exactly is an MRI for? What is happening inside that narrow tube when I’m lying down? Are there bad side effects from an MRI? There are some things on my MRI report that I read but don’t understand - and they look pretty frightening. Do I have reason to worry?

If you’ve ever had any of these questions, then this video is a must-watch, as Dr. Moriarity uses his conversational, compelling teaching style (along with his own MRI!) to lower our anxiety and educate us on MRIs, what you are looking at, how to read them, and when to worry.

Topics from the Discussion with Dr. Moriarity:

  • The difference between an X-ray, CT Scan and an MRI
  • How an MRI actually works
  • How to read an MRI using Dr. Moriarity’s MRI
  • What is the spinal canal and is it different from the spinal cord?
  • Are there things you can do (or not do) to keep from getting a herniated disc?
  • Terms to worry - and not worry about on your report
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