Conditions we treat include but are not limited to:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – symptoms include numbness in hand, weakened grip
Cervalgia – symptoms include neck pain
CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) – Chronic arm or leg pain that may develop after an injury, surgery, stroke, or heart attack
Lumbar Radiopathy – symptoms include low back pain
Lumbago – symptoms include low back pain
Nerve impingement – often called sciatica, symptoms include pain from the buttocks down into the leg and can also affect the arm
Nerve Pain/Pinched Nerve – causes pain in spine or in the extremities
Peripheral Neuropathy – symptoms include numbness in the feet
Radiculitis – symptoms include pain radiating down leg or arm
Shoulder (Supraspinatus) Tendonitis – symptoms include shoulder pain
Tendonitis – frequently caused by overuse, for example, Tennis Elbow
Trochanteric Bursitis – symptoms include pain when lying on your side
Whiplash – symptoms include neck strain and pain often from an accident or injury